Collective Creature #1, Nancy Pink & Three-Quarters, Three but Four Legs
Ceramic with 24-Karat gold luster, found china plates, and slip-cast ceramic with mason stain, cast porcelain, high saturation gloss glaze, matte dry glaze, iron oxide stain, floral blue ceramic decal, India ink, river glass, and plastic foliage.
2018, Private Collection

Made Inhabitant
Detail Image- Back
Porcelain with glaze, gold luster, filament, and found materials.
8in X 7in X 4.5in

Made- Inhabitant, Inhabitant Series
Detail Image.
Porcelain with glaze, gold luster, filament, and found materials.
8”x7”x4.5” each
Private Collection

Amassed 1 & 2
Ceramic stoneware with mason stain, porcelain shards, broken pottery, and dry crackle glaze.
Aalto University: Show Swap, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, March 5-April 5, 2018

Domestic Consumption, Columbus GA, Exhibition Image, August 2017

Homegrown Pathos
Ceramic stoneware with slip-cast ceramic additions, broken fine-china, ceramic shards, mason stain, glossy and matte glaze, enamel, paint, flocking, resin and other found materials.
Private Collection, Zach S. Henderson Library,
1400 Southern Drive, Bldg 208, Statesboro, GA

Creature Collective #2, Nancy Pink Pine Cones
Ceramic with 24-Karat gold luster, found china plates, and slip-cast ceramic with mason stain, cast porcelain, high saturation gloss glaze, matte dry glaze, iron oxide stain, floral blue ceramic decal, India ink, river glass, and plastic foliage.
2018, Private Collection

Plastic foliage and filament on wooden base, ceramic stoneware, found fine china plate, Chattahoochee River glass, black India ink, and faux fur.
Aalto University: Show Swap, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, March 5-April 5, 2018

Ceramic stoneware with porcelain shards, gold luster, and glaze.
14.5” X 15” X 19”

Peripheral Logs 1, 2, 3, & 4
Ceramic stoneware with china shards, glaze, filament, and found materials.
7”x24.5”7” approx. each

Detail of top portion of sculpture.
Ceramic stoneware with porcelain shards, gold luster, and glaze.

Peripheral Log
Detail Image.
Ceramic stoneware with china shards, glaze, filament, and found materials.
7”x24.5”7” approx.
Untitled #5, Foliage
Plastic foliage and filament on wooden base, ceramic stoneware, found fine china plate, Chattahoochee River glass, black India ink, and faux fur.
Aalto University: Show Swap, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, March 5-April 5, 2018

Domestic Consumption, Columbus GA, Exhibition Image, August 2017

Domestic Consumption, Columbus GA, Exhibition Image, August 2017

Domestic Consumption, Columbus GA, Exhibition Image, August 2017

Domestic Consumption, Columbus GA, Exhibition Image, August 2017

Detail Image.
Porcelain with glaze, gold luster, filament, and found materials.
8”x7”x4.5” each
Private Collection

Inhabitant Series
Porcelain with glaze, gold luster, filament, and found materials.
8”x7”x4.5” each
Private Collection

Jawline & Blue Bear in Teacup
Set of slip-cast ceramic molds altered with mason stain, glaze, cast porcelain, found broken pottery, cast human teeth, cast cat hair, Chattahoochee River glass, lint, and resin.
8”x8”x5.5” each